Information about the city

Information about the city

Pavlodar region (kaz. Pavlodar oblysy) is a region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, located on the bank of the Irtysh, the largest river in Kazakhstan. It was formed in January 1938. The regional center is the city of Pavlodar.



124 755 sq. km.


Neighboring regions and countries:

  • in the north - Omsk
  • in the east - RF
  • in the south - EKR
  • in the west - Akmola


Climatic conditions

  • The climate of Pavlodar region is sharply continental, characterized by long cold winters, hot and short summers.


Geographical data

Most of the region is located within the south of the West Siberian Plain, which is the largest plain on the globe. The relief of the southwestern part of the region is very interesting. A small mountain-forest oasis can be seen among the semi-desert steppe, painted in yellow-brown color, and small grassland, with sparse vegetation. This is one of the most picturesque corners of Kazakhstan, one of the best places for recreation and hiking, traveling to a fairy tale in reality.[6] More than 140 rivers flow through the territory of the region. The only major river, the Irtysh, flows from the South-West to the South-West. it stretches for about 500 km and has a number of channels-staritsa and islands. The Tundyk, Aschisu, Shiderty, Olenty, etc. rivers begin in the melkosopochnik, which do not reach the Irtysh and end in drainless lakes. The Irtysh — Karaganda canal was built from the Irtysh, on which several dams and reservoirs were built. There are many lakes in the region, mainly salty: Seletyteniz, Kyzylkak, Zhalauly, Shurexor, Karasor, Zhamantuz, Kalkaman, etc. - on the left bank; Maraldy, Moildy, Bolshoy Azhbulat, etc. - on the right bank.

There are 1200 small lakes in the Pavlodar region. About a hundred of them are fresh, and the rest are salty. Eleven underground water deposits with operational reserves of 3.8 million cubic meters per day have been explored in the region. All of them are suitable for drinking and irrigation.

About the Region

The region includes 10 districts, 3 cities of regional subordination, 7 settlements, 165 rural districts and 408 villages:

  • Aktogaysky district (Krasnokutsky district) — RC village of Aktogay (Krasnokutsk)
  • Bayanaulsky district — the village of Bayanaul RC
  • Zhelezinsky district — the village of Zhelezinka RC
  • Irtyshsky district-RC village of Irtyshsk (Irtysh, Ertis)
  • Terenkolsky district-the village of Terenkol (Kachyri)RC
  • Akkulinsky district (Lebyazhinsky district) — RC village of Akku (Lebyazhye)
  • Maysky district - RC village of Koktobe (Belogorye)
  • Pavlodar district — RC city of Pavlodar
  • Uspensky district — Uspenka village shopping center
  • Shcherbakty district — the village of Shcherbakty (Sharbakty)
  • Aksu
  • city Pavlodar
  • city Ekibastuz city


Population 752 447

person (October, 2024)


GRP 106,4%

(January-March 2024 compared to the previous year, %)


Inflation 8,5%

(October 2024)


Average monthly salary $750

(for Q2 2024)


Gross inflow of direct investments 65,5

$ million (for the second quarter of 2024)


Trade turnover 5090,1

$ million (for January-September 2024)

*Excluding small businesses engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

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